Last night Loren received his Arrow of Light! I never had brothers so this whole cub scout thing is totally new to me. I was put in as the Committee Chair about 2 years ago and have grown to like the program and see the good that comes from it for all different personalities. It teaches good values (which we taught at home), but for those boys that might not receive it at home it is good for them. Then there is the athletic and outdoors man side that Loren loved, of course. :)
I was asked to say something about Loren. I talked about how he obeyed the Scout Law very well, but his strong points are being trustworthy, loyal, and friendly.
Anyway we are very proud of him for working hard at receiving this on top of all the other things he is doing right now. Good job Loren!
Congrats to Loren! And yes, if you want me to take your family pictures I will definitely give it a shot. No promises for how they will turn out though :)