Sunday, May 29, 2011

Holden's surgery

Holden got his tonsils and adnoids out, due to chronic infections. He had strep throat 3 times in 8 weeks and seemed to be sick with a sore throat every morning. The fact that we live in an allergy infested climate doesn't help the poor boy, I'm sure. Nonetheless, we decided to take the plung and see if this would help him out. He was so brave I was so proud of him. He was a little nervous at the hospital, but I reminded him of the blessing Russ gave him and that he said he would do good and recover good. Then I explained to him that the blessing is from Heavenly Father. He then relaxed and was fine. He has great faith! We are still crossing our fingers for the results, but so far he is feeling really good. He was in a lot of pain for a week and now he's feeling good without the pain meds. So back to school he goes, even if it is only for 3 days. :)

Blueberry picking!

We went and picked blueberries this weekend and it was really fun! Between the 6 kids and I we picked 17 1/2 lbs! Loren was the star blueberry picker, but really I was so impressed at their stamina.
We woke up early so we could beat the heat and put on our backyard boots and ate and picked as much as we could stand. (Really we went by when we ran out of water.) I had Mason on my back and the others all walked. It was so fun to hear their voices of excitement as they would find "more blueberries!" They really did great. In the end they got snow cones while I stood in line to pay. My kiddos love blueberries and eat them as if they are a dessert so this was huge for them to go get them. I got a few pictures, unfortunately I didn't get any of Loren. He said on the way home, "that was really fun!" It really was!

Ashley's testimony

After our FHE today we were all sitting around and Ashley mentioned something about a testimony. I asked her if she wanted to bear her testimony, and she said yes.

She said:
"I want to bear my testimony, I know the temple is true, I know the church is true, I know that Jesus died for me, and that when is hands were like this (she shows us his hands clasped together, I think maybe in the Garden of Gethsemane) His hands hurt really bad. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Then she proceeds tell me that, "you know b/c his hands had those marks on them (nails) his hands really hurt."

I loved the sweet spirit she brought into the room, or at least into my heart. I felt what she said. She was really bearing her testimony. She really feels these feeling inside of her heart! I am so thankful for my children! I learn so much from them.