Monday, February 9, 2009

Big Brother Note

When I was putting Holden to bed last night I saw a note on his dresser with a candy bar (half eaten) the note read,
Dear Holden,
I'm giving the rest of the Chocolate bar to you I don't want the rest so thats why I'm giving it to you.

I thought what a sweet big brother. He earned the candy bar in his class at church by doing homework, and then turning it the following week. I tried to take a picture of it, but our awesome camera couldn't pick up his soft pencil writing. So I copied it exactly how he wrote it. What a sweetheart. I picked this picture just because it was about Loren. It doesn't even go with this. :)


  1. Hi Denise. Loren reminds me so much of myself as a little kid. The difference being that I became somewhat corrupted whereas Loren is and always will be pure as the driven snow. You guys are doing a great job with him.

    Thanks for all the nice comments and compliments over at our blogs. You write good stories about your family. Like Leslie says, I can hear your voice in each one of these posts.

  2. Denise you are so sweet! Loren and Landon were friends in heaven and so were we! Jared will tell you where we are going. He will just swear you to secrecy.

  3. That Loren has always been such a good kid. I love reading your stories too. I am so glad you started a blog.

  4. That is the cutest story!! You have the best kids!!!

  5. love the post.... and we must teach you two how to text!!! that is so funny.

  6. Alright, this is officially one of my favorite blogs to read. I love it...keep it up.
