Being from an all girl family I love boys! They are so stinkin' cute! I don't know if it's because they look exactly like their Dad (especially Holden) or if it's that I've never experienced this before.
We got very lucky and had our son Loren first. Buddy is an excellent oldest son and brother. Very caring and loving to the boys. I always tell him, "I always wanted a brother just like you." He really is so great.
My puppy, Holden, knows how to turn his puppy blue eyes on me in a flash. He looks so much like Russ that if he cries it's like seeing Russ cry which happens so rarely so I quickly hug Holden. He loves bugs and won't walk away from any of them. He has a soft heart for nature. :)
Joshyboy is such a sweet little duder. He will follow the boys with his army crawl as fast as he can to be with them. We'll see if he walks early just to keep up.
Denise!!! I'm so glad that you started a blog. I always think about you and wonder what you are up to, but you're just too stinkin far away! This is the perfect remedy. You're kids are adorable- you had two more since I heard last. Crazy. Keep it coming. Love you!