Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson learned!

Today while Emily was doing her hair in my bathroom she decided to look into one of my cupboards and found a purple spray bottle. I guess it wasn't as good as her yellow spray bottle to get her hair wet, so she used it. I came in about 10 minutes later and found the purple spray bottle down on the bathroom counter and gasped! I use this special purple spray bottle for bleaching my bathroom showers when they get a little black build-up. That's why I put it up in my cupboard out of reach for the little ones. :) So I ran out realizing that Em probably sprayed her hair with it (she did clean the bathroom for me, as a side note, there were good intentions involved in this craziness). I quickly asked her if she used it, she had, and fell to the ground crying when I told her what it was and the effects it has on hair. Then we washed it out quickly. It didn't do anything that I can tell, luckily. I was totally laughing as we cleaned it out because the girl knows better than to get into things. So lesson learned, at least until she finds out that some people do bleach their hair. :)

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