Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Holden's baptism day!

                                                                Holden and his daddy!

                                                              Mom, Dad, and Holden

What a special day!  Holden has such a sweet spirit as it is, but he really felt the spirit and so did I.  We ran out of time to take family pictures before the baptism and we were going to go back to our gardens and take the bigger fam pics, but the little kiddos fell asleep.  So this is what we were able to get.  So glad we at least had time for these!

My parents, Russ's parents, Gibson's, and a few people from our new ward came.  Since it was only Holden getting baptized we ran the whole show.  Grandpa Wright gave a wonderful talk on baptism and brought the spirit into the room.  Holden really has a great bond with his Grandpa Wright.  Then my mom, Grandma Fisher did her Holy Ghost talk with props as usual.  She always does a great job!  I think she said this was her 12 time giving it.  Russ did a great job with all the ordinances that were performed and gave a wonderful blessing straight from heaven.  Holden all in all felt loved.  Loved by family and by his Heavenly Father.  He wrote a sweet testimony in his journal about what a great feeling he felt all day. That is my favorite part of them getting baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost, is when they get to actually feel Him.  What a blessing to have that.  I feel a relief to know the Holden  has this protection with him.  I love you Holden!!


  1. Yay, you posted . . . and about Holden's baptism. Just what I was wanting to see. I randomly got on here and was pleasantly surprised. I love the first botanical garden shot of his smile. That is Holden. We really wish we could have been there! Congrats Holden!
