Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh the moments

Tonight I had a few good laughs at the crazieness going on in the house. First, I came around the corner to find Holden hiding his head in the stairs. I asked him if he was okay and he said, "Yeah, I'm trying to find a toothbrush." ???? So apparently Ashley had gone off to "hide" a toothbrush for Holden to find. So Holden kept his head down on the stairs for awhile. Then I hear, "Ashley, hurry up and hide the toothbrush." So she comes downstairs with the toothbrush wrapped in Josh's spiderman pillowcase and drops it at Holden's feet at the stairs and says, "Okay, Holden try to find it." Now normally Holden would be very upset at his wasted time with his head burried that long, but he laughed the cutest laugh ever. I just started laughing too. It was adorable.

Then I proceed to the bathroom to get Josh out of the bathtub. What I left him? Yes for a second to grab a towel, but the water was all the way drained. Anyway, I came in and he'd gotten himself out and was getting his wet little body dressed with Ashley's yellow Dora underwear. :)

So for bedtime Josh has been sleeping in his own bed. Usually he goes to bed pretty good, but tonight after being called a few names as I left, meanyhead, maniac, and the list goes on, then I hear him say, "Goodnight mom, goodnight mom." So I said, "Goodnight Josh." Then he immediatley replies, "No, Mom it is not a goodnight."

I wouldn't want to miss these sweet moments for a million dollars...well maybe. Just kidding I love being a mom.


  1. How cute! I can't wait to see you all in June! It will be so fun.... or crazy... I don't know!

  2. Those are cute stories...we miss you guys!

  3. You are good at posting the good stories. You don't want to forget stuff like this. One of my faves is to listen in on my kids' conversations. Hilarious!
