Saturday, September 1, 2012

Upstate New York and Niagra Falls

We had a great time going to upstate New York!  We spent a few days away going to Palmyra and then off to Niagra Falls, Canada side.  So gorgeous! 
                                                            Our Sacred Grove hike. 

                                  Josh had a notebook and would stop periodically and draw the trees.  They were so amazing I couldn't blame him for wanting to remember them on paper.  :)

                                                          We barely fit on the bench!

                                   Loren always piggybacking somebody that is tired. 
                   After the sites we had time to kill before the Hill Cumorah pageant.  We ate, had amazing ice cream (as you can see on Mason's face) and played at the park. 

I'm so sad that I only got one pic of us waiting to see the Pageant.  We sat with the Gibsons.  It was fun to meet up with them there! 
 Now onto Niagra Falls from the canadian side!  We rode the Maid of Mist!  So fun!  Russ, I thought picked the worst spot on top for us to see everything, but I had to eat my words b/c in the end it was the best!  Way to go Honey!  Mason was not happy to have the blue jacket on, but he was happy to be held my me the whole time. 
                                       I love that Ashley looks like she was eating the mist! 
                          The wind was so strong on the boat so Russ just took off the blue coat. 
                                                                  Horseshoe falls
                                                Owling it!  Loren is really annoyed by it.  :)
                          You can see the Maid of Mist going into the horseshoe.  That's how close we got to it.  It was really a fun thing to do!  The mist and wind was really strong.  The kids loved it!

 It was a lot of walking for the little people so in the end Russ was carrying the team, literally.  :)  Look at Ashley hanging from the stroller!!  :)
                            Waiting for the close encounter with the horseshoe.  Russ and I felt like it was a bit of a disappointment b/c we just did the Maid of the Mist.  But if we'd done it in the reverse it would've been worth it. 

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