Monday, September 21, 2009

Late Night

Loren had a "late night" with his buddy the other night. A "late night" means that he went over to his friends at around 7pm and came home at 9pm. :) He said he had a great time. The next day I run into the father of the boy and he say, "Hey Loren, I heard about what you did to the cockroach in my neighbor's yard last night." Loren's eyes grew very big, and so did mine. I asked what they did, but the father was so sweet and put his arm around Loren and said, "lets just keep it between the two of us." Loren immediately relaxed and they laughed. When we got in to the chapel I leaned over to Loren and said with a serious face, "what did you do to the cockroach?" He tried to avoid the question. I asked him if they made a mess in the neighbors yard? Nope. I try again, did you dissect it? Nope. Finally he said they peed on it. My eyes get bigger for 2 reasons, 1. his friends Dad is the stake president. 2. well really just reverting to number one again. I ask him who's idea is was and of course he rats out the neighbor. Oh, I guess Kyle was there. That made me feel better even though my boys have done a fair share of peeing on numerous things in our backyard that I'm pretty sure I knew who's idea it was. He assured me it was dark outside, which is was. I tell him to not do that again, but who are we kidding boys love to whip that out any chance they get. That little stinker. :)


  1. This just makes me laugh! I remember all of the stories with the Wright boys peeing on each other! What's with boys? Hilarious!

  2. You once again have sent me into an old man's laugh. oh i love it!!!!

  3. Late nights rock all over sleep overs.

    Um, now I'm curious, that same dad keeps my husband out on many late nights.... wonder what those 'boys' are doing on those nights.....? (Was that wrong to say?)
