Sunday, November 7, 2010

Emily is 9!

Yep it's birthday central at our house. Starts with Ash on the 26th, Em on the 27th, and Russ and Mason on the 1st of November. So we have way too much candy and cookies.

Emily is 9! I can't believe it. It seems only yesterday that she was baptized. We did an early birthday for her this year. We went with her best friend, Lexi and her Mom to The Woodlands, up north of Houston. We went the first weekend of October just incase we had a baby early. Which didn't happen. We stayed at the Marriot, Residence Inn. Went shopping all day long. The girls got their ears pierced, which was a drama scene in itself, but they did it!

Emily is such a wonderful helper at home. She is our second mother for our kids. If I had to pick a word to decribe her I'd pick "free spirit." Okay so it's 2 words. She has such a free vibrant spirit. She loves life and loves to entertain the kids. She reminds me of my sister Nicky. She's always got a game or way to entertain the kids when they are bored.

She is loved dearly in our home. If I need someone to hold little Mason there is nothing, but excitement in her voice to do it. I love you Em!!

Ashley's 4!!

I accidentally put her picture on Mason's pictures. She has been so excited for baby Mason to come out on her b-day. :) She was a princess for Halloween so we did a princess party. She loved it. He friends wore their dresses, colored princess crafts, made sugar cookies, and decorated them. She didn't want a cake b/c my kids are on this new kick that they don't like cake. So we did cookies. She is such a joy in our family. Love you Ash!

Mason Fisher Wright

He arrived!! Our new bundle of joy was born on November 1st, 2010 at 7:09pm. Weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long. As some of you know that is his Daddy's birthday so that was kind of neat. His birthday is also when he proposed to me so I think this was a wonderful ending to our delivering babies.

The delivery went well. Russ gave me a wonderful blessing the night of Thursday the 28th of October. I was getting induced on Friday the 29th. In the blessing he kept saying, "enjoy the last part of your pregnancy." I thought, "okay I can handle that b/c it was only 6 hours away, right? Nope, we still had the whole weekend b/c the hospital was too full. Oh well, I did enjoy the weekend watching the kids trunk o treat on Friday and then passing out candy on Sunday with the kids. We did s'mores as well so that was fun.

Monday morning we started potocin and I was doing great. Water broke, getting to a 4 was faster then usual, but then my Dr. had a c-section he needed to go to so he asked them to stop the potocin so I wouldn't deliver without him (which is sweet). He has delivered the last 4 kids. I've hemmoraged at the end before so he's always great to be there for my deliveries. The nurses were wonderful. One was training so she took her time figuring out the dilations, but that was okay. My Dr. said, "give her whatever she wants," I said, "I'm starving." But he didn't fall for that one. :) Anyway, after his c-section was over he started it back up again. It took awhile to get to a 9. My uterus was having a hard time thining out. Dr Putterman said, "good thing your done b/c your uterus is old, warn and used up." I loved that! I just laughed. He was done with work and just hung out with us on the chair for the last hour, finishing up his work. It was a nice ending to delivering babies with him. I did bleed a bit more then they liked so I had to get to shots to stop the bleeding, but they all did good working on me. He's a great doctor!

The kids are doing so well with the baby's arrival. So helpful and kind and loving. Josh even tried to pick him up to, "put him higher" in his bouncy seat. Russ is always wonderful and helpful when he is around. He was able to take off the day after so he could tend to the kiddos needs.

My wonderful parents have been here helping us keep everything under control. They have been such great helpers. When I am a brat my Mom and Dad have been so forgiving a patient. Russ always says, "I can't believe your Mom helps you and your sister's when you treat her like that." She's wonderful that's why. Thanks Mom and Dad!