Monday, February 15, 2010
One Half Marathon under my belt.
Well I did it! I ran a half marathon on the beach this last Saturday. Emily is reading this out loud as I am typing and I am feeling like a total loser as she reads it. She's doing it with a southern drawl. :) Anyway, I did it and it's over and so I went to Walmart and bought Valentines candy's 50% off and I ate a lot of chocolate because I can now! :) Although I do have to admit that I am a little addicted to it and made myself not run today. I said I would never do one again before the race, but after doing it I changed my mind. It was pretty fun. Okay I'm feeling even dumber because Emily is still reading over my shoulder out loud, so I'm done.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Lesson learned!
Today while Emily was doing her hair in my bathroom she decided to look into one of my cupboards and found a purple spray bottle. I guess it wasn't as good as her yellow spray bottle to get her hair wet, so she used it. I came in about 10 minutes later and found the purple spray bottle down on the bathroom counter and gasped! I use this special purple spray bottle for bleaching my bathroom showers when they get a little black build-up. That's why I put it up in my cupboard out of reach for the little ones. :) So I ran out realizing that Em probably sprayed her hair with it (she did clean the bathroom for me, as a side note, there were good intentions involved in this craziness). I quickly asked her if she used it, she had, and fell to the ground crying when I told her what it was and the effects it has on hair. Then we washed it out quickly. It didn't do anything that I can tell, luckily. I was totally laughing as we cleaned it out because the girl knows better than to get into things. So lesson learned, at least until she finds out that some people do bleach their hair. :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This kid is in to everything! The other day Russ called me into the room to catch Josh in the act of helping himself to the rest of the milk jug. Where did he learn that? Not one of us drink out of the milk carton.......or I thought. The other picture is of Josh on the table, again, and he is looking very closely at Em's new turtle that she got for Christmas from her Grandma and Pa Fisher. It's not real, but it looks real. Tricked Josh right?
A few more cuties in action......
Emily is riding Loren's skateboard. She really knows how to ride that thing. She is a total daredevil. I get on a skateboard and I about brake my neck. Loren was just riding around and Joshy was watching him. It has been so great to live in this neighborhood. We have sidewalks, and a cult-a-sac just down the street so they can loop around. Sidewalks are key to not having a nervous breakdown.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Just because...
5 year milestones
My little Holden can ride a bike without training wheels! He decided yesterday that he wanted to ride his, "two wheeler." Russ was home and he asked him to help him. I came home and Russ said he went about 7 houses without falling over. So today he wanted to show me. The kid was off around the neighborhood within minutes. Ashley also has been out riding her Dora bike with training wheels. She looks miserable in the picture, but she wanted me to still take a picture of her even though her bike flipped over, and she was still crying. She will ask a million times a day to ride her bike, and I'm sure Holden will be jumping on that bandwagon. As they were riding around the block I was thinking today about how many things a little kid learns. They say that the first 2 years of a child's life they learn the most. Such as, talking, walking, crawling, eating, drinking, and the list goes on. I'm amazed at what they learn after that too, but really 5 years is quite the milestone in itself. They learn so much as they start school, learning to read, tying shoes (still working on this one), riding bikes without training wheels, taking on new jobs in the house, etc. It seems that with each child and each age they all hit the same milestone. It really has amazed me to watch them all learn new things at their own rate.
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